Monday, December 24, 2012

Gluten Free Bisque

Shrimp & Crab Bisque:

2 cups onion
2 sticks margarine
1/2 cup brown rice flour
1 lb. frozen corn
2 pints whipping cream
1 pint half and half
1 cup chicken broth
1/2 can rotel 
1 lb. crabmeat (lump)
1/2 lb shrimp

Saute onions in butter.  Add flour, mixing well. Slowly add whipping cream, half and half, broth, rotel, and corn.  Season with your favorite Cajun seasonin mix. Simmer for 20 minutes.  Add crabmeat and shrimp. and cook on low heat for 20 minutes more.  It is better the next day and it freezes well.

Enjoy your GLUTEN FREE bisque!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Jennifer Esposito from CBS has CD

Check this out...Dr. Drew (which by the way, I have always enjoyed watching him) totally dissed Jennifer and her Celiac Disease.  This is what I hate about so many doctors.  They believe they are so smart and know so much when in fact so many of them don't know a thing! To me, I don't understand how a doctor has not heard of Celiac Disease by now.  I ran into one recently that had no idea what it was and why I was eating Gluten Free.  Really?!?!?! Anyways, this is my rant for the week! LOL I did watch this video and I know exactly how Jennifer feels, even though she looks beautiful on the outside, doesn't mean she feels so beautiful on the inside!

On another note...
I have been GF for almost a month now, and I am starting to feel so much better.  I can say that I have not had "D" in almost 3 weeks! That is amazing to me!  I am still suffering a little with anxiety, and rosacea.  And my moods have been a little up and down, but that because of all the homework that my kids bring home!  I would like one week of no homework for my sanity.  I just don't understand why they can't teach what they need to teach at school and let us families have some good quality time enjoying each others company- NOT having to do homework!  Okay my second rant for the week.

Anyways, have a great GF day!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Soy Sauce for you Sushi Lovers

Okay, so I am totally a newbie at all of this.  But I am doing really good.  I have been gluten free for several weeks with absolutely NO stomach aches! Has it cleared up my Rosecae yet? No, but I am still hopeful!  Anyways, if you know me, then you know that I love sushi.  Well, not the real deal, the cooked deal! LOL  I do like the ones that are cooked and yes some may have traces of gluten.  Last week I had some, the snowcrab, the waitress seemed somewhat knowledgeable on the subject.  She said that they only mix mayo with the snowcrab.  So anyways, I did not have a reaction and I ate the real deal soy sauce not realizing that it had wheat in it.  So this is when I think that I may only be intolerant and not full blown Celiac.  I did have the Celiac blook work done several years back, but I thought it was a botched test.  Anyways, I did not react to the small amount of gluten that I had the other day, so I am hopeful that I can add the above soy sauce to my pantry and continue eating my beloved sushi! Because ladies I could eat that everyday!  Only problem with the soy sauce, I can only find a 240 pack to purchase, and its $37.00.  I don't really want to buy that much to begin with.  You can order it online at the San-J website, but of course they are out!  Good luck and I hope you had a wonderful GF day! I did!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Gluten Free Remedies

So I have just stumbled upon this website.  Not sure much about it.  But as I was glancing through.  I found a entry called Gluten Breaker.  It is some sort of medicine you can take if you happen to go to a restaurant and there is hidden gluten in your meal.  It does not mean you can eat a meal that is full of gluten but it will help if there is a little hidden in sauces, dressings etc...

Check it out.

Will I order it, probably not! But always interesting to learn more.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Welcome No Wheat Eaters!

This is a new blog that I am starting.  I have other blogs that I have been adding to for several years.  Mainly, my hobbies, life events and I even created a blog when my brother was in a terrible car accident.  It was a great way for me to catch everyone up on his recovery, and I great way for me to deal with the whole life changing tradgedy that it brought to our family.  Now I am embarking on a whole new thing....Gluten Free!

Let me tell you a little about myself and my problems that I had been going through that brought me to this new stage of my life.  As a teenager I never experienced bowel issues.  Around the age of 18 I had 2 occasions that I can remember vividly that sent me flying home to get to my bathroom.  I never really thought much about it until...I returned from working at Disneyworld as an intern and I started experiencing a terrible break out on my face.  I never had skin issues so I was devistated when I awoke to pimples everywhere.  I went to several dermatologists then with no relief I resorted to the best derm. doctor in Texas that I know, Dr. Cochran! To this day I still think he is the best dermatologist in Texas and Texas is a big state!  He gave me an antibiotic that clear my pimples up right away! Was it the answer?  Well, at the time when I was devastated it was.  Now looking back I often wonder was it those antibiotics that started my whole IBS thing?  I will never truly know.

So once my face was clear as a bell I went on to start having stomach aches everytime I ate.  It started out slow and then all of a sudden I realized I was running to the bathroom everytime I ate.  So I just couldn't figure it out.  I went to gastro after gastro.  Hearing things like its all in your head....or did you have a bad childhood- uh NO!!! I had a wonderful childhood with great parents! I heard that I swallowed to much air, that I needed to eat smaller meals, you name it I heard it.  I also had 4 colonoscopies in the span of 15 years.  Okay that may not be too many but think about it....I was only 23 when I had my first one.  You normally hear them say you need one around the age of 50.

Through the years I tried my best to work around my stomach issues.  I never really used my college degree, which is sad, but I just couldn't seem to get my stomach to work with me.  I just have a hard time getting out of the house early in the am.  And afternoons after dinner are always the worst.  Have I suffered over the years....TERRIBLY!  I have had anxiety that could make your toes curl.  It goes through stages.  I panic everytime someone says, "Lets got to lunch" or "we can go have dinner then to a movie"....NO- I CAN'T.  Not because I didn't want too, but because of the fear of a stomach ache.

Do my parent think its all in my head....YES they do! Does it hurt my feelings....Yes it does.  I will agree that I can sike myself up, but for the most part I know when my stomach hurts! They aren't around me on a daily basis because I live in a different state.  My sweet husband can atest to the things I have gone through with this IBS crap.

Well truly this story could go on forever.  But I will I was diagnosed with IBS after my first colonscopy.  I have lived my life around the bathroom, I have scheduled my vacations around the bathroom (LOVE VEGAS- always a clean bathroom around)  and our beach condo that we go to is steps away from the beach so I can run up if needed.  When I go on scrapbook weekends with my lady friends.  I never leave the house!  I do panic alot, and nobody really knows I try to keep it in check, but I worry constantly that my stomach will hurt or does hurt!  Oh and I would love to go eat with my son's baseball teams after games, but that just can't happen.  Over the years I have tried to figure things out.  I finally was told to go see a Internal Medicine doctor by the name of Kelly Cobb.  She is real into- hormonal checking and natural remedies.  So I said, sure- it can't hurt.

Dr. Cobb asked once I was finished telling her my long list of ailments- aching back, stomach aches, diarreha, anxiety, depression, joint pains, vision issues (that's a whole other story) and now Rosecea... another problem that has just arose... she asked, "Can I step out and grab a brochure for you to read."  I said, "sure."  She came back with a little brochure that said-  Is Your Food Killing You?  I read through it, well I could answer Yes to almost every question it asked.  She suggested I do a test called an ALCAT test to see if I was sensative to foods and which ones.  Well, I had already been tested through blood work for Celiac Disease.  So I didn't think that was my problem, but sure enough when the results came back....the list, oh the list was so long! And- I be damn, GLUTEN was in the blue box of things that I was intolerant to.

So here I am...left with a the results and completely overwhelmed. I'm telling you my story could have been alot longer than this but it would have taken forever to type up the last 15+ years of my life.  So I tried to sum it up as best as I could.  I hope this gives you a little idea of where I've been in my life and where I plan to go....

With that saying....I am embarking on a new gluten free life.  Is it going to be my answer?  I don't know I have noticed when trying to learn the right way to eat I have still made some mistakes.  I am still having a few stomach aches now and then.  So am I doing it right? I don't know just yet.  It also said I was sensative to dairy.  Well, I just can't give up everything all at once, there would be nothing left in my mind.

This will be a long journey.  I hope to help anyone that needs it, I would love to find so friends in my area that are struggling with the same things.  I would love to compile lists of restaurants in Lafayette that have Gluten Free options.  I have searched for support groups and come up empty handed everytime.  So please feel free to leave me any comments, information or your info so that we can form a support group!

Until next time....healthy happy eating!